Magazine Article

Triple Threat Radio – Dancer Shades Vee

Triple Threat Radio – Dancer Shades Vee
  • PublishedOctober 7, 2023

I was born in Brooklyn NY. I am an only Child. I am of Puerto Rican and Filipino Descent. 

My Mother, was Thirteen years old when she gave birth to me. Her circumstances at the time that she had me, were not, that of a normal Childhood.  Let’s just leave it at that. My Mother Married at the tender age of, Eighteen years old. The Man, whom she Married, Legally Adopted me. I was a Daddy’s Girl for sure. My Father was an Exceptional Artist, but let’s not cover the Sky with our Hands, my Father was also a Junkie, but don’t get it twisted, my Father took very well care of me and unconditionally loved me. He was the best Father, a Girl, could ask for. In my eyes, he was perfect.

I’m 1977, and my Parents Divorced. I lived in Cobble Hill, Brooklyn, with my Mother, and would see my Father often. I missed my Dad very much, and became, very Defiant and Uncontrollable. One thing, I never did was, Drink, nor did any Drugs. 

In 1985, I gave birth, to my first Child. I went to live with my Father, for about a year, in Brentwood, Long Island. In 1985,  I was diagnosed with “ Chronic Pancreatitis” and spent about two months in the Hospital. I’ve had over 150 Bouts of this Disease, since being diagnosed, and was even told later on in life, that I only had “ Three years to live”. At the same time, In 1985, The “ AIDS” Epidemic, was Introduced to the World, and in 1987, my Beloved Father fell Victim to “ AIDS “, and passed away, on Father’s Day of that year. My World shattered, but the Pain of losing my Father made me very Strong.

In 1988, I had my second child and was living in,  Bayridge Brooklyn. My Mother was Remarried, and lived in, Peekskill NY, where she, owned a Hotel. In 1991, my Mother’s then Husband passed away, and she moved back to, Bayridge Brooklyn. She Remarried, in 1993.

Sadly my Mother got very Ill, and Passed away, in April 2014. By now, I had four children and was living in Pennsylvania. My way of dealing with life’s challenges was through Music. I was a professional Dancer, and I grew up on Disco, Salsa, and of course, Freestyle Music. I started a very small Radio Show and was picked up by another Station, where I played Music and did Talk Shows. I wanted to be, the next “ Howard Stern”. After I learned all the ropes about Radio, I decided, I wanted my own Radio Station, and that’s how “ Triplethreatfmradio” was Born. I named the Station, “Triple threat”, because, I had my hands on some other projects. I loved Freestyle Music so much, that, it consumed part of my Soul and Existence. I started Hosting Events, Meeting a lot of Artists, and learning a lot, about the “Industry”.  Then, I wrote a Book, “ The Devil Had White Hair”, which is a Story, about my “Biological Father”. It was a Short, but very Powerful Book. I felt so accomplished, especially as a “Latina” Woman, I felt like I was on top of the World. I then opened my own” Sunglasses” Business, and that took off very quickly. A lot of Artists, are rocking my “ Shades”, and soon, I was put on the Map.  

I was one of the lucky ones, who did not let, life’s pain, interfere, with my wanting to Empower, other Latina Women. I’m very Humbled to say that,  I’ve been very fortunate. I’m grateful to “ God”, and praise him, for steering me, in the right direction. I will leave you all, Reading this Article, with one thought, be Kind and humble, Empower one another, and let the Music play. If you can Dream it, You can Achieve it, the Word “ Can’t “, does not exist in my Vocabulary! I Believe in you. You can do anything you set your mind to.  I’m living proof of that. Don’t let life’s Challenges navigate you, away from your Dreams and Goals. This Latina, is still going strong, still Dancing, rocking the Airwaves, and living life to its fullest.