Frank Morejon Unboxes the Freestyle Music Magazine on the Stevie B Podcast

The world of freestyle music witnessed a monumental moment on Friday, October 27th, 2023, as Frank Morejon made a guest appearance on “Freestylin with Stevie B”, the #1 freestyle podcast, hosted by none other than the king himself, Stevie B, accompanied by the iconic DJ Felix Sama. This was no ordinary chit-chat; it was a heart-to-heart conversation that lasted a good half-hour, diving deep into the inception of Morejon’s visionary project – the “Freestyle Music Magazine.“
Frank Morejon, the mastermind behind the magazine, shared insights about the concept and birth of this unique platform. It’s not just a collection of articles—it’s a space filling a much-needed void in the freestyle genre, a platform that echoes the voices of icons, introduces new artists, and brings to light the tireless work of promoters and DJs. At a sizeable 32 pages, each issue is a testament to the vibrancy and dynamism of freestyle music. This magazine promises to be a beacon for the freestyle community, a place where the old meets new, where stories are shared, and where freestyle music continues to thrive. Stay tuned, folks!
The conversation also touched upon the evolution of freestyle music, from its roots to its current state and future potential. Morejon expressed his passion for preserving the authenticity and essence of freestyle while also embracing its growth and evolution. Stevie B and DJ Felix Sama shared their thoughts on the current state of freestyle, emphasizing the need for unity and support within the community. Together, they highlighted the importance of platforms like Freestyle Music Magazine and Freestyle Music Events in bringing people together and keeping the genre alive.
As a listener, it was clear that this podcast episode was not just about promoting a new magazine, but rather about celebrating a whole culture and community. It was evident that Morejon’s vision for this magazine went beyond just creating a publication. WATCH THE PODCAST BY CLICKING HERE